Haynes & Associates LLC
(800) 516-2106
Hardship Closure 
Everyone has heard the old saying "You can't get blood from a 
turnip" and IRS understands that. Also, IRS understand that 
the econonmy has caused alot of people to lose their jobs and 
be placed in a position where they are not able to make
 payments towards their tax debts.  If you have been affected 
adversely by the economy and are now not able to make 
any payments a hardship closure can be negotiated for you. 

Please, contact us once you get a notice from IRS stating what 
you owe and you realize that you are not able to make 
payments.  Please, do not wait until the IRS starts taking 
money out of your bank account or taking money out of your 
paycheck. That will be the next step unless you take some
 action now.

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